提供美国和英国FCC认证服务, im体育APP的 radio experts help you test 和 certify your wireless technology devices to obtain FCC regulatory approval for a successful product launch in the United States.



im体育APP是FCC指定的 电信 认证 Body (TCB); a TCB must be used for certification of radio devices which enables the use of an FCC ID on the products. FCC认证 is required for certain categories of radio devices prior to placing them into the US market place.  


Your equipment needs to be assessed to applicable FCC rule parts 和 then the results (test reports) are submitted, 以及其他文档,如示意图, 物料清单, 用户资料, 等. 提交TCB进行评估. 


A successful evaluation of the submitted documents will lead to im体育APP issuing an FCC Grants of Equipment Authorization allowing you to place your product into the US market. 



尽管FCC和ISED认证过程可能相似, separate certifications are required for these two countries (an FCC is not accepted in Canada 和 vice versa). 作为公认的FCC TCB, im体育APP的 从事专家 will ensure that your wireless products have been tested to the appropriate st和ards for the fastest route to compliance.



For those that need guidance on the regulatory FCC认证 requirements for a particular product, im体育APP的 咨询服务 帮助您确定哪些法规适用于您的产品. Our 咨询服务 program provides design advice 和 testing of components 和 prototypes, fixing issues before they arise 和 making final testing 和 certifying quicker 和 easier.



  • 建议和指导

  • 产品开发阶段的预合规测试

  • FCC正式无线电符合性测试和报告

  • FCC正式SAR符合性测试和报告

  • FCC TCB认证服务

  • 测试 To Support Your FCC Suppliers Declaration Of Conformity (SDoC)

  • B类消费设备的FCC EMC测试

  • FCC 电磁兼容测试 For Class A – Devices Used In Industrial, Commercial And Engineering



im体育APP offers FCC认证 testing services for a number of wireless devices including 无线网络, 射频识别, 无线个域网, 蓝牙 和BLE设备.

From initial advice 和 guidance to compliance testing to the appropriate FCC St和ard, completion of the required documentation 和 submitting of all documentation 和 test reports that are required for the FCC Filing, our 从事专家 support you throughout the whole FCC认证 process. 


In addition to our broad range of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited testing services, im体育APP是欧洲无线电设备的公告机构, EMC & ATEX指令, 英国无线电设备规例认可机构, EMC法规和潜在爆炸性环境法规, 美国电信认证机构(TCB), a Foreign 认证 Body (FCB) for Canada 和 a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) for Japan. im体育APP也是IECEE CB体系下的认证机构.


im体育APP, we are committed to maintaining the highest st和ards of impartiality 和 integrity in all our certification, 测试和咨询活动. 符合ISO/ iec17065要求, we ensure that our certification decisions are made independently 和 without any undue influence from internal or external parties. 我们已经建立了强有力的程序来识别, 管理, 和 mitigate any potential conflicts of interest to uphold the trust 和 confidence of our clients 和 stakeholders.


Our personnel competencies 和 impartiality policy are embedded in our company culture 和 supported by comprehensive internal controls 和 oversight mechanisms. For more information on our impartiality policy 和 procedures, please contact us.


To learn more about im体育APP's FCC认证 services or to request a quote, 请今天im体育APP.


通过我们在RED和 FCC认证 process to achieve CE 和 FCC marking for smart 和 connected IoT devices.


FCC系统批准vs. FCC模块认证 

im体育APP的 wireless certification experts provide fast 和 efficient FCC approval for system 和 modular devices to help you bring your radio products to market sooner.



补充我们广泛的FCC认证服务, im体育APP offers a wide range of related services to assist you from the initial stages of identifying a suitable compliance strategy through comprehensive testing programs, certification 和 assistance to deliver your product to the global market.

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im体育APP provides guidance on the relevant regulatory requirements before you reach the testing 和 approvals stage, supporting you from start to finish - we ensure you achieve first time success.

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im体育APP offers wireless 和 radio certification services for FCC for USA, 加拿大ISED, 欧洲CE认证,日本MIC认证.

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im体育APP works as your 全球市场准入 service partner to help you navigate complex regulations 和 get your products to market quickly 和 efficiently.

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im体育APP offers ISO 17025 testing services to 欧洲an ETSI st和ards, FCC规则, ISED RSS标准和日本无线电法.



Find out more about im体育APP's global platform of laboratories to ensure that you have the facilities, technical expertise 和 procedures to ensure that your products comply with national 和 international industry-specific 和 legislative EMC st和ards. 



im体育APP是帮助电气设备制造商的理想合作伙伴, importers 和 distributors obtain the fast 和 efficient product safety testing 和 certification needed to trade their products worldwide.

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im体育APP FCB provides ISED certification services of your wireless devices for the Canadian market.

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im体育APP offers Notified Body review 和 EU-Type Examination certification of your wireless products subject to the scope of the Radio Equipment Directive (RED).

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im体育APP RCB provides MIC certification services for your wireless product to enter the Japan marketplace.



im体育APP的 experts support you throughout the whole product life-cycle of your connected devices from R&D, 测试 & 认证, 咨询服务全球市场准入. 我们保证您的产品每次都能准时进入市场. 

看看我们的服务,了解我们如何从R为您提供支持&解析:选D。 让明天比今天更安全.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.